Dr. Lillian Gonzalez–Our December Practitioner of the Month

Posted Sunday December 01, 2019 by Annette Fontes-Evans

Dr. Lillian has been in the nursing field for thirty years. She started as a certified nursing assistant at the age of seventeen, then went on to pursue her licensed vocational nurse, associates, bachelors, and master’s degrees in nursing. She is currently a family nurse practitioner and a board-certified doctor of holistic health. She is also a Reiki master and an energy healer. Lillian has always had a passion for learning and helping others. She has studied homeopathy, herbology, biomagnetism, and continues to attend seminars and classes to keep expanding her knowledge.

Dr. Lillian has recently authored a book titled “Help Yourself, A Nurses Guide to Implementing Self-Care”.  She sees clients in private practice  and also provides consultations and sessions for the non-profit Desert Light Healing Sanctuary program that offers free and low-cost services to survivors of domestic violence.Dr. Lillian offers the following services:

Homeopathy, Herbal Medicine, Bio-Magnetism therapy, Nutritional assessments, weight loss with Hcg and without, Weight loss Supplements and shakes, B12 injections.

Click on this link to learn about the services Dr. Lillian offers at Desert Light Healing Sanctuary:  http://desertlotushealingsanctuary.org/lillian-gonzalez  or to schedule an appointment conatct her at Synergyhcw@gmail.com or call 323-286-5899.