Dulce Zo


  • Anxiety Support
  • Trauma Release
  • New Life Integration
  • Mindset Training and Development
  • Step-Parent Coaching
  • Subconscious Support
  • Empowerment
  • Past Life Regression

Contact Dulce

Text or Call: 480-359-6924


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Dulce Zo

Bilingual certified Life Coach, Hypnotherapist, and Holistic Healing Artist
Owner, Zo Holistic Healing Services

Dulce is a bilingual certified Life Coach, Hypnotherapist, and Holistic Healing Artist.

Her Private Practice “Zo Holistic Healing Services” is based out of the Desert Light Healing Sanctuary in Mesa, Arizona where she sees clients virtually and in person and supports them with mental and spiritual work to create the physical results they want in their lives.

She also leads Mastermind talks, Retreats and Workshops to support sensitive souls in feeling empowered, and authentic as they go through life honoring the wise one within.

Dulce is the founder of The Zo Academy for Emotional Intelligence & Transcendance. She also posts videos with coaching lessons and guided meditations on YouTube and IGTV.

When humans experience trauma or major life stressors it’s not uncommon to feel like we’re just getting by. Dulce’s greatest passion is helping people heal their trauma and stressors so they can move out of the survival mindset and lead their lives with ease and grace.

As a first generation Mexican-American being raised in Southern California by a single dad, Dulce became fascinated with human behavior and how different people’s perceptions created different “realities” for them that affected their behavior. She remembers the pity she and others would feel when she would be out playing on the playground or the beach and a parent would ask her where her mom was and she would respond “I don’t have a mom, I live with my dad.” as opposed to the joy that would exude from her face and that of the parent when she would say “I live with my dad, we’re like Batman and Robin.” She knew that although both were true, one felt better than the other. Dulce took this knowledge of how your thoughts about life influence your feelings about life and used this wisdom to overcome trauma from loss, childhood sexual abuse, teenage homelessness, family suicide and many of the limiting beliefs that can come from having experienced so much instability at such a young age. In 2014 she attended a leadership retreat where she realized she not only personally loved personal development but also had a gift for holding sacred space and supporting others in their healing. She enrolled into Life Coaching school and has been developing her modalities and skills, helping others live a more empowered life since.

When she is not diving deep into her studies and teachings Dulce enjoys indulging in the simple luxuries of life such as time in nature, naps, a warm bath and the company of her beloved husband Ari, her two step-kids (12 and 14), and two dogs.

If you’d like to learn more about Dulce’s services or schedule a complimentary discovery call visit: https://dulcezo.com/work-with-me.html