Kristeen Ann


  • Freedom from Depression
  • Weight Loss
  • Relieve Anxiety
  • Stess-Less
  • Sleep Well
  • Achieve Self-Acceptance
  • Boost Confidence
  • Pain Reduction
  • Eliminate Bad Habits
  • Heal from Trauma
  • Improve Relationships

Contact Kristeen

Direct: 480-256-2889

Kristeen Ann

Clinical Hypnotherapist
Owner of Kristeen Ann Enterprises, LLC

Kristeen’s mission is to help people awaken to the possibilities in their personal and professional lives, and ultimately help them to make their highest points of contribution to the world.  She assists individuals in unearthing their strengths and values, overcoming fears and limiting beliefs, setting goals and integrating sustainable change.

Through provocative questions and a fresh perspective, Kristeen inspires clients to see that just about anything is possible. Warm, genuine and engaging, her sessions combine thought-provoking content, down-to-earth anecdotes and practical strategies leaving participants feeling uplifted and inspired.


·         Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist

·         Certified Transformational Life Coach

·         Certified Mind-Body Wellness Practitioner

·         Associates Degree in Mind-Body Transformational Psychology


Since 2012, Kristeen has worked with hundreds of professionals, entrepreneurs, and creatives; empowering them to pursue their passions, increase their self-confidence, and build the kind of lives they truly want to live.


·         Inspirational Speaker & Writer

·         Recording Artist for Guided Meditations

·         Group Hypnotherapy Facilitator