Free and Low-Cost Alternative Medicine Program (FALCAM)



The Desert Light Healing Sanctuary focuses on helping individuals heal the whole self.  We recognize that physical healing is only a small part of the healing process, so we help facilitate the healing of the Mind, Body & Spirit.  We also help you learn how you can help yourself heal.

Research and studies show that alternative remedies such as massage, clinical hypnotherapy, acupuncture, craniosacral therapy, and energy psychology, etc., may help reduce & eliminate conditions such as anxiety, PTSD, fibromyalgia, headaches, stress, soft tissue injuries, back pain, neck pain, chronic pain, TMJ, post surgical recovery, digestive disorders, depression, addictions and more that have affected those recovering from domestic abuse.

Our program allows us to provide services for the care of you or your family at the Desert Light Healing Sanctuary. You can apply for the program if you are a survivor of domestic abuse and need assistance to help pay for your care.

Qualifying for free and low cost services from the Sanctuary are based on family income and family size by the Federal Government Poverty Guidelines for the current year.

Procedures for Participating in the FALCAM Program & Receiving Treatments:


  • Contact the Desert Light Healing Sanctuary via phone or email:


    1. Tel: 480-331-4614
    2. Email:


  • You must agree to the contents of this program outline by the signing and dating of this document.
  • Return signed & dated form via email to or mail to Desert Light Healing Sanctuary, ATTN: FALCAM Program Director, 6239 E. Brown Rd, Suite 112, Mesa, AZ 85205



  • Qualifying Confidential Financial Assistance form


    1. Once we have received your signed copy of the FALCAM Services Guidelines document, we will email you the Confidential Financial Assistance form.
    2. Fill out the form completely. 
    3. Return this form via email or mail. See addresses above.
      1. If an individual qualifies for financial assistance, a Representative from the Desert Light Healing Sanctuary will contact him/her via email.
      2. Qualifying individuals must provide their most recent pay stubs for the last 30 days, current personal income tax return, or an unemployment benefit statement. (Or proof of disability if applicable)
      3. Individuals who qualify for free or low cost services will be expected to keep all scheduled appointments and follow the suggested treatment plan to continue to receive services.
      4. If an individual qualifies for low cost services, a sliding fee schedule will be provided to him/her.  Payment arrangements will be made with the program directors and are due prior to any scheduled treatments.
      5. If an individual does not qualify for financial assistance, a letter or email will be sent explaining why they were declined. 


  • Applicants are required to fill out a health intake form to proceed with our program.


    1. The intake form will be emailed once you have signed, dated and returned the program outline.
    2. Fill out Confidential Health History form and return via email or mail. See addresses above.
    3. Sign accompanying consent form.


  •  Consultation meeting with  a Program Director.


    1. Your consultation appointment will be arranged via email and will take place over the phone.
    2. If you cannot keep your scheduled appointment, please call 24 hours in advance to cancel. 
      1. Missing appointments may result in termination of this program.


  • Program Directors will meet to discuss and create a Treatment Plan based on the Health History you provided.  Your treatment plan may include any of the following services:


  • Acupuncture
  • Bio-magnetic Therapy
  • BoDTE™ (Body Directed Therapy Experience) Massage & Energy Healing
  • Chakra Healing
  • CranioSacral Therapy
  • Cupping/Moxibustion
  • Energy Cleanse (Indigenous healing arts treatment)
  • Homeopathy/Naturopathy
  • Hypnotherapy
  • Life Coaching
  • Nutrition Counseling
  • Trauma/Grief Counseling
  • The MORE Method (Energy psychology)
  • Therapeutic  Massage
  • TMC (Traditional Chinese Medicine)
  • SRT (Spiritual Response Therapy)
  • Reflexology
  • Reiki
  • Yoga Nidra


  • Treatment plan agreement


    1. A copy of your treatment plan will be emailed to you.
    2. Once you have agreed to the treatment plan, please sign, date and return via email.
    3. if you have any questions regarding your treatment plan, please contact the program director.
    4. Participating Practitioners (those who will be providing services to you) will be contacted and required to sign a confidentiality agreement.
    5. Treatment plans may be adjusted if necessary but you are required to follow the agreed upon plan.


  • Initial treatment session is scheduled.


    1. A confirmation notice for your first appointment will be sent to you via email and/or text.
    2. Prior to your first appointment, you will–
      1.  Meet with a program director to review all documents and sign any unsigned forms
      2. Sign a “permissions to share” health information agreement with participating practitioners–Please know that all of your information is held in strict confidentiality.
      3. Fill out a visual measurement of “How do you feel today” diagram
    3. Please confirm your appointment.
    4. Arrive at least 15 minutes early.
    5. If you cannot keep your appointment, please call 24 hours in advance. A 24 hour cancellation notice for any treatment session is required to continue participation in our program.
    6. Subsequent appointments will be made with the participating practitioners.


  • After initial treatment sessions are completed:


    1. Practitioners participating in your care will meet to re-evaluate your progress
    2. If additional treatments are needed, appointments will be scheduled for those treatments. 
    3. Upon completion of our program, participants are required to sign a release form and will receive a completion package gift.

 *If during the course of a treatment plan, any additional health issues or concerns arise, new treatment will not be included as part of the original plan. A separate treatment plan is required and must be approved by program directors.


Qualifying individuals participate of their own free will.

Any treatments/therapies provided are not intended to take the place of any medical care, medical treatments or pharmaceuticals, or any diagnosis of illness or disease.

It is recommended that participants have permission from their primary care provider(s) prior to treatment.

Furthermore, I agree to participate in the Give Back Program, volunteering __________ hours to the Desert Light Healing Sanctuary.

By voluntarily signing below, I acknowledge that I have read, or have had read to me, the above program procedures and have had an opportunity to ask questions. This form will cover the entire course of my treatments and/or therapies for my present condition and any future condition(s) for which I seek treatment from Desert Light Healing Sanctuary Alternative Medicine Services Program.